Sunday, October 13, 2019

Billionaires Do This For 10 Minutes Every Morning

Billionaires Do This For 10 Minutes Every Morning
By: Mel Robbins

I want you to find 10 to 15 minutes, that's it! that's all it takes 10 to 15 minutes, I want to teach you how you use some simple things.To push through the excuses that are always going to be there and the fear that's always going to be there so that you can do what you need to do every day, in order to ensure self-closer to whatever that big goal is.
How you start your morning determines how your day goes! That's right! How your morning starts determines how your day goes, There's so much research about productivity and happiness and so many of you are focused on “what do we need to do? what do I need to do? how do I get more stuff done?” and you get busier and busier and busier and I want you to understand something being productive, being happy, being in control of your life it has nothing to do with when you get up. It has everything to do with how you get up and so a routine refresh is something that you have to do you have to do it because you must have in learning routine if you don't have a morning routine your entire day will get hijacked if you don't have a morning routine you're gonna wake up behind you're gonna wake up stressed out you're gonna wake up and make a major mistake which is you're going to let the world come into your brain and set your priorities before you even put yourself first and so a routine refresh is critical. Refresh your routine! 
Why is this important because there is so much science that talks about the power of your morning routine and there's also so much noise out there about the morning routine but all of the articles out there tend to be written by guys that have two and a half hours before work starts to somehow drink mushroom tea and met and go to yoga and exercise and drink bulletproof coffee and sit in an infrared sauna and I don't know what planet these people live on but they clearly don't have children or a job they need to get to at eight o'clock in the morning I'm being realistic. I'm being realistic about the fact that you need a morning routine but you need one that works for you. See I had a morning routine that used to take me 30 to 40 minutes last year when I had more time I've had a morning routine that took an hour when I had time and the ability to go for a jog in the morning. I had incorporate that in the morning routine, my morning routine 10 minutes long that's it it's 10 minutes long because that's what works for me in this season of my life and so I am inviting you to do a routine refresh where I'm gonna walk you through the science of a morning routine. I'm going to take you step-by-step in this guide through how you should be thinking about the components of what you want to do every morning in your morning routine and I am also begging you to customize it so that it works for you because the truth is if it doesn't work for where you are in your life right now you're not going to do it and the most effective morning routine is the one that you actually do every morning I've got a question from Diego and this is gonna relate back to your morning routine from Diego.
I have a dream of opening my own restaurant but I'm terrified to start how many of you have ever thought about opening up a restaurant we're starting a small business or having some kind of side hustle doesn't have to be a restaurant the American Dream used to be I really dream of owning do you know what the American Dream is now for the majority of people its I want to own my own business and so whether you're interested in launching a restaurant or you would love to have a business of any size shape or form in any vertical that you can think of this is a question that you need to pay attention to okay because I know this is also impacting you.
I'm terrified start I know I have the potential to be really successful but I just can't get myself to actually do something about it you know sometimes when the dream is so big the fact that it's so big becomes paralyzing because you think about where you are right now and you think holy cow that thing that I really want. I don't even like how do you even start when the dream is so big so here's what we're gonna do today we're gonna shrink it down I don't want you to think about opening a restaurant. I don't want you to think about launching that business because that's something that will happen a year from now what I want you to think about is I want you to shrink your thinking. I want you to think about researching a restaurant I want you to think about preparing to launch a restaurant. I want you to think about learning about launching a restaurant to see how just saying I want to learn about launching a restaurant changes how you feel versus, I'm launching a restaurant which feels so big you're just in a phase where you're learning and researching this idea which all of a sudden takes all the pressure off doesn't it so that's number one let's shrink it let's not talk about launching it let's not talk about building it. let's talk about researching and learn about it okay so that takes the pressure off then the next thing that I want you to do is I want you to focus on something that I talk about all the time if you're researching and learning about launching a restaurant or a business all I want you to do.
I want you to find 10 to 15 minutes that's it, that's all it takes 10 to 15 minutes and I want you to do one thing for 10 or 15 minutes a day that helps you learn or research about the idea of launching a restaurant how many of you are starting to feel a little bit lighter how many of you are starting to feel like holy cow thinking about it that way I actually could get started today making this smaller and making it something that I'm learning about rather than doing and launching that somehow thinking about it differently frees up the ability to get started I want you to do one small thing a day so what could you do. You could read an article about somebody that launched a first-time restaurant you could look online for 10 to 15 minutes for a local restaurant networking event you're not launching or building a restaurant yet you're learning about it and you're researching it and your job as a student of this subject is to do something every day for 10 or 15 minutes in order to learn or research it that's it that's all I want you to do because here's what I know if I get you to start doing that and you do this every day for 10 or 15 minutes which you absolutely can guess what's gonna happen you're gonna feel momentum you're gonna feel like you're working on it you're gonna meet people that are interested in it you're gonna learn things that are gonna lead to the next thing that you need to learn and you will have mastered the art of getting started and by doing something a little bit every day you're also gonna master the art of continuing to keep going and from there it'll snowball I promise you.
I promise you as you meet people the next thing you'll do would be to learn more from them as you read and watch tutorials about people that have started restaurants as you watch television programming about it you're gonna feel more inspired you're gonna start to see I think that can do this.
That's gonna lead to the next thing trust me when I say it's all about the little progress, you make every day. I want you to stop talking about launching it and building it and I want you to shrink it back too. I'm learning about it and researching it that's number one number two 10 to 15 minutes a day you are a student of this subject that's it get yourself a notebook where you keep all your notes get yourself organized like you would as a student and find one thing you can do every single day that teaches you a little bit something about this subject. That you're really interested in and trust me it'll all happen just by doing that there will always be an excuse not to do the things you need to do particularly the things that scare you that you have to dream you have to visualize.

We're going to talk about the science of visualization it's easy to dream it's really hard to do and I want to teach you how you use some simple things to push through the excuses that are always going to be there and the fear that's always going to be there so that you can do what you need to do every day in order to ensure self-closer to whatever that big goal is what I want you to do is I want you to use a science back tool called visualization to your advantage there's hard science around visualization but I've noticed that most people only explain 50% of what you're supposed to do but it's critical that you understand the two-step process of what you're going to do in terms of visualization and that's this piece of visualization that everybody misses that the science says is the most important you can't just write down your goals it won't work you can't just put up a board with photos on it. It won't work you have to do the second part which is you have to imagine yourself taking the steps to get there not the end-all this is powerful research out of UCLA this is what will make visualization work not just the pretty endgame but visualize the steps that you're taking to get there and then here's the kicker you're ready for the most important research you've got to allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with it you've got to make you visual board it's a really powerful thing to do for sure but then I want you to visualize yourself every day doing the steps leading up to it this is research from UCLA and I want you to allow yourself to feel the emotions feel the emotions that you will feel as you're doing those things feel pride feel excited you.

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