Sunday, October 13, 2019

5 Ways To Work From Home With Amazon By John Crestani

5 Ways To Work From Home With Amazon 
By John Crestani 
Amazon's a massive company. And there's tons of ways to earn money working from home with Amazon and have them pay you money. And I'm going to be going over 5 of the best ways that you can make money working from home with Amazon. 
The 5 ways I'm going to go over our surveys, selling on Amazon, handmade crafts, writing and marketing Amazon products. 
1. Surveys
2. Selling on Amazon
3. Handmade crafts
4. Writing 
5. Marketing Amazon products
I'll be going over all of these on my computer and showing you where you can find and sign up and start doing this to make money from home and have an Amazon pay it. Let's get into it. Boom! Amazon is like... I think it's like a trillion dollar company now and there's a lot of ways you can work with Amazon. Most of the products they're selling on their site are not their own. And I'll show you how you can make money working with Amazon. Now, the first is pretty interesting. It's surveys. I'll be going on my computer and showing you all of these. 
The second is selling products. All of the products on Amazon, Almost all of them like 90 some percent are from other third-party sellers and I'll show you how you can sign up to do that. You can also make money doing handmade crafts and posting them on Amazon. Really cool new opportunity to make money with Amazon. 

The fourth method is writing. Writing books for the Kindle and publishing them through Amazon. You don't need to have a big literary agent to do this and also marketing Amazon's products. Amazon's affiliate program called Amazon Associates is one of the biggest affiliate programs in the world. If not, the biggest. And it's actually one that I use. And I'll explain how you can use this in a little bit when we get to number 5. Let's get into it. Cool! So, here we are on Amazon. And to find these ways of making money, you can go down. If you actually scroll down to the footer here,

We scroll all the way down on Amazon. You'll see there's an entire section that says "Make Money with Us", okay? Make Money with us right here. And these are all ways that you can make money with Amazon. And these are the things that we'll be discussing of how you can make money with Amazon. Now, the first method of making money with Amazon is called Amazon Mechanical Turk. And this is... 

This is actually pretty interesting. It's actually totally separate from their marketplace. But it's a way you can do surveys and other very basic tasks to earn money from Amazon. So, Amazon has tens of thousands of people signed up to be their internet workforce. Now, this is really the best method if you are from a very foreign country and you have no skills or you just want to make a little extra money on the side. You won't make much but you can sign up as worker right here. See? Looking to work on tasks. Right up there and you have flexibility and you can work for you know do surveys and what not for lots of companies. So, let's click sign in as a worker. So, here I am on Amazon Mechanical Turk. And as you see, it's really small up here and you get a worker ID and you do very basic tasks. As you see, here all the different tasks you can do. And they don't pay much. Here's a task that pays a penny or 9 cents or 4 cents, 5 cents, 8 cents, 25 cents. And you honestly can't make much but it's easy. And you don't need any skills whatsoever to do this. 

Now, here's an example. Image title description. So let's click on... Let's find... Let's do this one. Just the very basic one. Oh, here's one that pays 10 cents, okay? So, 10 cents and it says, "Draw a 3d shapes." So, let's say accept and work. So, here you get a bunch of instructions it says you must pass this quiz in order to proceed to real annotations. There's instructions here and it's they're called hits. So they're called human intelligence tasks. These are tasks that require human intelligence. So now, it gives you the instruction for each tasks. It says you will earn $1 upon passing the tutorial. And upon completing one real annotation task, you can retake the quiz and fail up to 3 times. And for each annotation task, you will earn 10 cents to 70 cents per task. So you can make a little extra money on the side. And as you see here, what it tells you to do is to make 3d shapes around objects. So, basically, you just trace the objects and you're creating 3d shapes around them. Like so. So again, it doesn't require much... You know, it doesn't require much intelligence but there is... You know, they have tutorials and they show you how you can do these things and they have a few videos for you too to show you exactly how to do the task. 

Now, I'm not actually going to do the task here. If you're interested in doing these tasks, you can sign on to Mechanical Turk and start doing them. It's free, it's easy and there's thousands and thousands and thousands. There's tons of tasks which you can do. And you can do many of these tasks over and over and over again. When they say, "They'll pay 3 cents for each task, usually you can do that tasks hundreds of times and earn that money." But again, you're not going to get paid a lot. So, it's it's not a great way to make money but it is still a way to make money with Amazon. 

Now, the second way to earn money with Amazon is a huge way. And that's selling on Amazon. What's called Amazon or Amazon FBA. Now, if we look on Amazon, the number one way to make money with Amazon is selling on Amazon right here, okay? So, great way to sell on Amazon. And if we look here, you know, a lot of businesses make a lot of money selling on Amazon. Now, to start selling on Amazon, you need to pay a little bit of money. You have to pay $39 a month, okay? $39 a month if you see that right here. $39 a month is the bare minimum that just goes to Amazon. I think that's to verify you're a real person. And you can reach... I mean the benefits are obvious. You reach hundreds of millions of users. They will... You even fulfill. Its called fulfillment by Amazon what's called F-B-A. So you can simply ship all of the products to one of Amazon's warehouses and they will send out... They will do the shipping the labeling, everything for you very easily. Okay? And that's I believe an additional cost of something like $99 per month. And yeah, you'll just get your product seen by hundreds of millions of people on Amazon. So, this is a great way to start selling. 

He'll go over kind of how to select products to sell how to find competitive niches that aren't saturated. How to price your products and all the different settings you can do to start really making big money selling on Amazon. But it's... It's a complex business model. But to make the big money, but there are ways to do it and you can learn a lot of them online and on YouTube for free. 

The third way to sell on Amazon is handcrafted goods. Now, that's pretty interesting. You can sell just personalized customized handcrafted products on Amazon. Now, what this is called is this is called Amazon handmade. And again, it's for artisans. If you can create you know sweaters or wool caps or whatever it is you want, you can sell those goods online. Now, what you do to start selling Amazon handmade goods is you simply go down to the footer. Again, where it says Make Money with Us. And you click on sell on Amazon handmade right there. Okay? So, right over there is where you click and you'll be taken to this page which is Amazon services handmade. You can reach once again, millions of customers with Amazon handmade. 

You can click to apply to sell right there to get started, creating an account and filling out the information of you know... And uploading pictures of the products that you would want to be selling. Choose your category and all that good stuff. So, now the way it works is you are basically charged 15% fee of whatever you sell online. Let's say you sell a sweater for $100, Amazon will take 15% of that. That's how my Amazon makes money. So, you will receive $85. Now, additionally, if you want Amazon to actually ship and you know label and do all the packaging and the processing for whatever goods that you're selling, you can also work with Amazon FBA which is fulfillment by Amazon. And literally let them just handle all parts of the business so you can just make sweaters, send them to Amazon and have Amazon do all of the dirty work behind the scenes of shipping and writing labels. So really, you get focused on doing what you do best as an artisan creating handmade goods. This is a really easy way. Amazon makes more money. You know they make a higher percentage when they do the fulfillment. Again, there's a reason that Jeff Bezos is like worth 100 million... 100 billion, sorry. 100 billion dollars even after his divorce but that's because Amazon you know, it works. And it helps you reach customers so they can charge for it. 

Now, the fourth way to make money with Amazon is writing books and publishing them digitally on the Amazon Kindle platform. Simply being a writer. And what's really great is there ways to be a writer on Amazon without actually even having to have a big following as an author yet. I don't know all the tips and tricks to create you know ebooks and getting them to rank higher. There are videos from friends of mine like Stefan James and what have you that show you how you can create you know, the real dirty tricks to create a Kindle business. But one of the big things is you want to do them around keywords that people search for. You know, whether that's you know how to build a desert garden or how to be a truck driver or how to make money online or how to invest your money, etc. You know, things that people are searching for is the key to really getting those self-published books on Kindle. And you'll see right here, you don't even need to pay for a print a printer to print out books free. You can literally just self publish with Amazon and it's all digital and you just sit back and you write books and you make money with Amazon. And that's Amazon... What does it called? Something like that --Amazon Kindle or Amazon printing. So, you can publish to Kindle and you can earn royalties up to 70%. So now, if you're selling books for $10, you would make $7 of that and Amazon would make 3. But you can also do with Amazon is you can do what's called publish to print or publish to audio. So, you can actually have Amazon you know, if you write a book, you can have Amazon print the book for you on-demand. So they'll do all the you know, they'll put the cover on, they'll print it on two pages like this. And they'll actually ship the book for you. They'll do everything. So, it's very easy to be a writer and self-published nowadays. And you can even create audio versions of your book which is really exciting and a great way to get started as a writer. It's never been easier to start as a writer. 

Now, the fifth way to make money with Amazon working from home is actually marketing Amazon's products. Now, Amazon will pay you up to 10% referral fee if you get people using or buying products from their site. Just simply by marketing a link. Now, you'll find the Amazon affiliate program at the bottom. And it says, Become an Affiliate". Once again, it's under the heading Make Money with Us. You just go down and right there become an affiliate. You click on that and you can get access to Amazon... What's called Amazon Associates. Now, what you'll see on Amazon Associates is you know, some information. You can join for free. 
Now, I'm not aware... I'm not sure if Amazon Associates is available to all countries around the world. But it is available and I just haven't tested in all countries, right? But you would join for free. They don't charge them anything to advertise their products and you can earn up to 10% advertising fees with the most trusted platform online. 10% is a great deal of money. And I'm going to show you some examples of how people earn money with this. And it's very simple. You join, you get a link and you advertise that link and earn money. Now, how Amazon Associates works is you know, you would search for something in Amazon and I'm just going to find a book that I'm actually currently reading called by my favorite author Neal Stephenson Fall Or Dodge In Hell. A novel. I'll click on that and we will see. Here's the book. It's about a thousand pages long. Like, you know, if any of you read this book, I mean my hats off to you. You are awesome. But I'm not actually going to buy it. You'll see it retails for $19. I'm going to go up here. And when you are an associate of Amazon affiliate you get this thing called site strike. See that right here Amazon site Strike. And you click this button which says, Get Link, okay? And you will get your affiliate link right here. I'm going to highlight it, copy. And now it's my job to market it. And if people buy from my link, if they click on my link and buy the book, then I will earn up to 10% commissions so up to $2. Because it's a $20. You see it's a $20 book. Now, how I would market it, I'd market it through the same channels everybody else would. You know, Facebook, Instagram, Google. You might put up a blog post on Google. Put up a a post on Facebook. I could put up a you know... Put the link in my description on the Instagram profile. Or I could put it underneath a YouTube video. Let's say we're to do a review or something like that of this book. I put the link and I'd say, "Hey, if you're interested in buying this book, you know, click the link in the description." So, there's a lot of ways to market this link. That's what your job as a marketer if you're going to do this business model. 

Now, let me show you an example real quick of a large affiliate of Amazon. So, anybody here followed Peter McKinnon? Let me know if you do. He's a... He's a big YouTuber. As you see, he focuses on the photography niche. He focuses on photography and videography. And as you see, he's got beautiful visuals in all of his... In all of his videos. And he also helps teach people how to do interesting editing, tricks and whatnot. You really... You know, really for people who are interested in photography and videography as a you know, as a business or a hobby. Now, he has 3 million subscribers. But what's of interest to us is how he makes money. And we're going to click on this video right here. And we're going to look in the description. We're going to click show more in the description of this video which has over one and a half million views. Now, as you see, he shows all of the equipment that he uses to make this beautiful. Beautiful videos. And let's check this out. My main camera. Now, if you look at this, he's talking about his main camera. And look at this price. $5,500. Now, 10% of that, okay? 10% of that is $549, okay? That's a lot of commissions. And most of his audience are people aspiring to do sort of you know, YouTube videos or videography or photography. So, the fact is he reaches a an audience of people who are looking how to do this themselves. And some of those people will eventually buy the camera equipment that he recommends because they want to do it the exact same stuff he does. All 3 million of his subscribers. So, he'll make a commission, a big fat one on every camera that is sold as an affiliate. 
Let's check out what else he recommends. The vlog cam, the backup camera, my favorite lens ever. The lens I'm using right now to do everything. The magic Canon lens of life. All of this equipment that he uses for photography. Because he's a professional, cost a lot of money. $1,000. $2,7000. $1,500. $1,800. $1400. So, for people that really are looking to get started in this industry, these are products that are selling often anyways. He's just showing people his gear and some of them are buying off of it. I bought off of his links because I stopped wanted to start a YouTube channel. So, I bought products. He probably made over $1,000 Commission just from me clicking on his links. Pretty cool, right? And all he has to focus on is doing cool videos, okay? Of just what he likes to do. Let me show you another example of how an affiliate is promoting Amazon links. So, here I am in Google and I just typed in best baby diapers 2019. You see that right there? I'm going to zoom in on this so you can see. And let's go down to the first listing, okay? Baby lists. 7 best disposable diapers of 2019, okay? So, this is... You know, targeting moms who are interested in you know, baby diapers, I guess. So, it's got a bunch of information. 
You know, it's dirty business but keeping your little ones happy and comfy makes you happy. And they give a lot of seeing information. You know, just the factors they reviewed amount cause softness absorbency fragrance, etc. And down here below, you can see their all-time faith. Pampers, Swaddlers, diapers. Now, once again, they have their Amazon affiliate link and here's the price for it. Now, if you click on that link or any of the other links on this page for Amazon, they will end up making anywhere from 5 to 10 percent commission on this product which is a cool $5.40, okay? Simply by putting up a blog post helping other mothers figure out what diapers to use. And notice every other diaper, they have, you know, they probably aren't affiliate there. But they have a lot of affiliate links all throughout of their site. Another Amazon affiliate link. A target affiliate link. Target has another affiliate program. So, that's another way to make money with Amazon. 
Now, I hope you got some useful information out of this and have a better understanding of how you can make money working at home with Amazon. Again, this takes work. And my job here is not just to show you how you can make money. But encourage you to go out there and do it. Because watching this video, hate to break it to you, not going to make you a single dime unless you do something about. Now, if you want to see more videos about tactics of how you can you know, do more marketing and make money online, make sure to hit the subscribe button up. Bang it and click the notifications bell so that you're notified if when I do live streams from time to time. And also, comment below. Which of these methods of making money with Amazon. Surveys, selling products, handmade crafts, writing books or marketing Amazon's products is the most interesting to you. Let me know in the comments. And also if you want let me know what you'd like to see me talk about more in the future. 
Now, I'm not an expert on all of these category of making money online. But I am an expert on affiliate marketing. If you are looking to learn how to better market your products or being an affiliate and make money marketing Amazon's products, make sure to check out my free webinar where I show you how you can get started as an affiliate marketer. That's my expertise and I've trained thousands of students. Someone, they've become millionaires even. Learning how to get in to this particular industry. 

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