Monday, October 14, 2019

7 Apps That Will Pay You Via PayPal Money For FREE

7 Apps That Will Pay You Via PayPal Money For FREE
By: John Crestani
What up Readers? We're going over 7 apps that pay via PayPal. These are apps that cost no money to sign up for. You can get started with very quickly. I'm going to be going over these 7 things. It's so easy. Some of these are like... You can play a game and make money via PayPal. You can take pictures and make money via PayPal You can even watch videos online and get paid money via PayPal. So, lets get in. i'm going to show you everything right here on my computer of how it all works. Let's get it.  
Here is list of 7 apps that pay via PayPal for FREE! 
1.  Feature Points - 
2.  App Trailers - 
3.  MNFST - 
4.  Field Agent - 
5.  Ibotta - 
6.  Play & Win - 
7.  BuzzBreak - 
Okay, so the first site here is called feature points.  And it is a site where you can get rewarded for doing surveys online. And you can get paid... Look at this. They pay you a couple different ways. You can get gift cards for all of your favorite stores. You can get gift cards for steam. Steam fans here. Any gamers? Any gamers? Let me know what video game are you playing? You know, I I'm looking for new RPGs to play on as a side note. So, let me know. Which is getting old? And that you can get paid via PayPal right there. So, you can get that money via PayPal for taking surveys and it's good on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. Go download it. They've paid out over 5 million dollars. Almost 6 million dollars. And they've been around for a while so this is a great app to use and there's a lot of stuff. Look at this. Complete surveys, earn points, answer questions and get paid, okay? Do you own a dog? What car do you drive? Etc. So, very easy. 

This next one is insane. I mean the ways you can make money now are just so exciting. Now, what if this one is... It's called And what you can get with this is you can get paid via PayPal for watching movie trailers. Yeah? "I don't get it"? You can watch movie trailers. Watch trailers of hot apps and get points. And what's even better. So, you see right here app trailers. Can see right there and it's on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. So, no matter what kind of phone you have, it'll work. If you have a Microsoft phone, shame on you, okay? But that's basically how it works. Watch trailers of hot apps, collect reward points and turn those reward points in for gift cards or for PayPal. So again, you can get that money via gift cards or PayPal money, okay? If you'd rather have it as an Amazon gift card, do whatever. Either way, it's your money.

 This next one is interesting. Manifest. Now what this is is it's kind of like affiliate marketing for charities. So, basically by spreading awareness about charities and helping charities raise money, you actually can get paid. Check this out. So it says withdraw instantly or donate to the cause and you could say, "Withdraw to PayPal or donate to a charity of your choice." I know what I'm doing. As you see here, it's not as big of a site. You know they haven't paid out as much as like feature points for instance. Let's see right here. Our users earned $196,000. So, you're not going become a millionaire doing this. In fact, there's thousands of people using it. Probably aren't going to make that much money doing this. And the other difficulty about this is that if your friends are broke and they don't have money that you donate, it might not work out. But maybe you have a lot of friends who are into charities or whatever and donating and they're kind of like those social liberal people. And they want to just donate. And that's great. Then you can make money sharing causes with them. But it once again, keep in mind that the same as this and as well as a lot of these things are you're not going to necessarily become a millionaire. These are very simple tasks.. Give big like for just ways that you know, getting paypal money if you're going to do this. 

So, the next tactic is called field agent. Now, this one's kind of neat because field agents sounds kind of like secret agent, right? And you kind of are a secret agent in a sense. Now, if you check out my computer right here, you see these kind of sneaky super agent glasses and that's what you are? You are a mystery shopper or what's called a secret shopper. And what you do... Your job is to go in and take pictures of stores. Yeah. So, you actually have to go into stores. This looks like a Trader Joe's, right? Or this you know a Walmart and you have to take pictures of other companies packaging or brands or you know, their displays because what it is is behind field agent at the very top are very big companies. They work with very big brands like Target or you know Walmart, etc. And they want to get competitive intelligence on what their competitors stores are doing and you are the secret agent to take pictures of it and you get paid for checking out and taking those pictures of the store. See here's somebody they get a picture inside a store of a sunblock right there. So, the way you start this is you have to download the app and you can start using and they will pay you via either iPhone or Android device and you could get paid via PayPal. Really fun stuff. I don't know if this is available in all countries. But the chance to be a secret agent, I mean, that that sounds pretty cool and get paid. Okay, so I'm going to go through these last for you ones pretty quick. But it's pretty fast explain. 

They're so simple but ebotta is great because if you're already shopping online then you can actually get cash back on your purchases, okay? So, this is kind of an obvious one. Instead of the credit card companies making money, you're just getting more cash back on your purchases on things you're already spending money on. Play and win. This is literally a way you can make money playing games online. And get via PayPal. So very easy. Again, you're not going to become a millionaire doing it but you'll make money and then buzz break. Buzz break is you can get paid PayPal money for reading the news. I'm on the site right here. It's spelled ibotta, right? I-B-O-T-T-A. And the way it works is just simple. You get them cash back on everyday purchases. And really all this app is it's it's kind of like affiliate arbitrage. It's kind of like buying products through your own affiliate link. If you were to do that. I mean you could buy products for your own affiliate link on Amazon and get 5% of that money back. So, this is just a way for you to do that. They keep some of the money themselves and they give you some of the money back for you. So, easy way. You know, usually works only for like... If you're buying you know look they're like diapers or stuff that's commonly available online. 

The next app is called play and win app. And as you see, it's available on Google Play and Apple Store and you just download this game and you can make money. And you can see here all the winners right here. You see this guy earn $10, nine hours ago. this guy earned $10 nineteen hours ago. what did he say? "It is so great to be a winner. Thank you." Wait, this is pretty funny. Okay, so people are winning. People are winning $10. So you can make ten dollars winning this. Looks like a lot of people are doing this. I'm just going one more this. I don't understand what any of these people are saying but they're winning. So.. And they look happy. So that's great. Okay, they're getting money be a paypal. 

Now, let's check out buzz break news. And buzz break read the news earn free cash. Pretty self-explanatory, Google Play, app store. Download the app and you can start reading News and making money. Whoo! Yes, okay. That is a lot of ways you can make money. If you are not making some internet money, if you're like, "I can't make money on the internet." You're wrong. It's easy. So start doing it you're not going to become a millionaire doing these methods. You want to become a millionaire, join my money club. Right up next to the subscribe button. 50 bucks a month, 2 times a month. You get to talk with me, you get a lot of my free trainings. But if you are interested in these, make sure you type in the comments which was the most interesting thing here. Because I'm actually going to go... I'm going to download one of these into... I just want to see it for myself. So, let me know which was the most interesting way of making money for you because I'm actually going to try something out. And I want to see how much money I can make in an hour. So do this. Let me know. Subscribe to the channel. Make some money. Start your internet business. Join the money club. Set your mind free. Stop being a slave to social media. Quit your job, drop out of college. Make money and take back control of your life. I'll talk to you soon. 

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