Monday, December 26, 2011

wise use of electricity

tire change fail

this is called a girl with lots of drill

this is called a girl with lots of drill

swimming machine

puma bike

Nokia is back

miss malinga

Milf Realtors

made in afganistan

lovely style

is it true

I love you mom

hadd ay yaaar

fun to be young

Christmas Is Coming

challenge of the day


Body building + cooking

Saturday, December 24, 2011

ohh tery bhense

smking help u relax

speed maira nakhra

lovely style

wife is wife

Friday, December 23, 2011

A successful man is one

A successful man is one
who makes more money
his wife can spend.

Wife:-I will die.

Wife:-I will die.
Husband:- I will also die.
Wife:-why will you die?
Husband:-because main itni khushi
bardasht nahin ker sakta:D

What is the Difference Between Mother & Wife ?

What is the Difference Between Mother & Wife ?
A - One Woman Brings U into this world crying...
the other ensures U Continue to do so.

What other problem Can there be greater than this one?

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbagto the office. Why?
Darling : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problemdisappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I amfor you?
Darling : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself,"What other problem Can there be greater than this one?

Just do it now

It Is Very Usual 2 Ask
Whats Up?
H R U?
Had Ur Lunch?
Hows Life etc etc,
So Let Me Ask U Something Different
Did U Smile 2day?
If not Just do it now;-)

44 yrs of EXPERIENCE..

A quote written on old man's t-shirt :
I am not 60 yrs old but I am SWEET16 with 44 yrs of EXPERIENCE..

Define student ?????????

Define student ?????????

wait lamme tel you ... :)

"A student is not the one who reads
the book before an exam.

But student is the one who writes a new book During the Exam... :DD

A girl proposed Me...

A girl proposed Me...

I Replied:

I'm not accepting ur

proposal but i salute ur


very true

lolxx Steve job


ninja turtle

never give up


Dont B Scared

I am The KING


beat beat beat

bachi burger

Do you love me more than ur family ?

Boy : Do you love me more than ur family ?

Girl : No

Boy : why ?
Girl : okay Listen dis

when i started to walk I fell, u were not there to pick me up. but my mom was.

When i went outside, u were not there to hold my finger. but my dad was.

When i cried . u didn't gave me your toys to play. .but my brother n sister did.

My family is more precious than anything else.

Boy calls his GF at midnight..

Boy calls his GF at midnight..

Girl: Hey Darling Is everything alright?
Boy: I wanted to tell you somethng important

Girl: Aww. but we just talked before too right? Whats it sweety?
Boy: I. I . I want to stop our relationship as GF & BF

Girl: *Speechless* omg.. But. WHY? I didn't even do anything!
Boy: Cuz I want to love u as my WIFE Will u marry me Angel

Baby are you jealous?

Boy: Baby are you jealous?
GF : No.
Boy: Baby are you jealous?
GF : No.
Boy: Baby are you jealous?

GF : I already told you, No!
Boy: Baby can I get a kiss?

I told you it was yours

Girl: I'm having my operation now I love you.
The girl lays on operation bed.
Boy stands there with watery eyes without saying I love you too.
Girl finishes heart transplant, the boy is gone.
Girl: Nurse where is he?
Nurse says: They didn't tell you who's heart they gave you, did they?
Nurse hands the girl a note
Girls reads note.....
''I told you it was yours'' ♥

Girl:- I Have a Question For you

Girl:- I Have a Question For you

Boy:- Alright, Ask Me.

Girl:- What Do You See When You Look in My Eyes?

BOY: You Honestly Wanna Know?

Girl:- Yes..!!

Boy:- My Future.! (: ♥

when i was a kid

the life cycle

question by a student

New Model

things to do when the internet is down



What is a KiSS ?

New Defntion

What is a KiSS ?

In view of
KISS is the shortest distance between 2 lips

KISS is the thing for which demand is always higher then supply

The process of charging a body

Kiss is way through which two bodies transfer data without any data cable.

Type of bonding between two bodies to make them reactant

Starting process for the production of new generation

Mommy, I love you

At 3 yrs old we say: "Mommy, I love you".

At 10: "Mom whateve!"

At 16:"My mom is so annoying"

At 18: "I wanna leave this house".

At 25:"Mom, you were right".

At 30: "I wanna go back to my Mom's house"

At 50: "I don't wanna lose my Mom".

At 70: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my Mom to be here with me".
You only have one Mom.

drunk naked woman

A drunk naked woman entered a taxi. The driver remained staring at him for a long tym Woman: drive off bastard! Havent u ever seen a naked woman before? Driver: am wondering where u have kept the money you are going to give me.

See What Happens :-D

‎1.Go to Google.

2.Type "Let it snow" and Press ENTER.

3.See What Happens :-D

Bad Accident :(

1980 watching movie together and Today

Spooon Man

Right Answer :)

Real Sniper


Proof of Global warming

Nice bath